These PS5 controllers are perfect for Helldivers 2, and they’ve never been cheaper

Helldivers 2 has a pretty wild controller layout. From mashing directional keys to order stratagems to switching between first and third person, to swinging the camera around as quickly as possible to watch an orbital laser melt a giant bug – there’s a lot going on. 

If you’ve never looked into the best PS5 controllers before, I’d understand if Helldivers 2 is making you shop around. With so much chaos happening on screen and a lot of player actions to keep on top of, the PS5’s DualSense may not be the best tool for spreading liberty to the galaxy. 

Luckily, if you are thinking of upgrading your controller, Amazon’s Spring Deal Days has you covered. As someone who reviews controllers, there are some surprisingly good deals on at the minute. First of all, the Victrix Pro BFG, the gamepad I use for Helldivers 2 currently, is down to £131.99 at Amazon – which is one of the cheapest prices I recall seeing it at. 

While the Victrix Pro BFG is my go-to PS5 controller to recommend, it’s not the only deal worth considering just now. The Razer Wolverine V2 Pro has the most buttons of any controller available for Sony’s flagship console, and it’s currently cheaper than ever. Although the RRP is all the way up at £249, it’s down to just £199 at Amazon in the Spring sale. 

Annoyingly, these discounts haven’t stretched to the US yet, but since the sale is set to run for the next five days, we’ll update this page if these controller deals make their way across the Atlantic. 

Is a pro controller worth it for PC players?

(Image credit: Future / Duncan Robertson)

One of the things I love most about Helldivers 2 is that it has a hybrid camera system. Playing third-person games is usually better suited to a controller, but since you can turn Helldivers 2 into an FPS when aiming, and it’s a fast-paced, challenging game, mouse and keyboard players on PC can benefit too.

While the controller vs mouse and keyboard debate always rages on, the satire in Helldivers 2 may be helping to negotiate an armistice. There’s no PVP in Arrowhead’s co-op shooter, and since there’s shared progression within the player base, it doesn’t matter what hardware you use. You’re doing your part to spread freedom across the galaxy regardless of whether you use one of the best PC controllers or a mouse and keyboard. 

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What I will say though, after testing both control systems, is that these pro controller deals will work great for PC players too. Hammering the D-Pad for directional inputs isn’t perfect on either platform, but on one of the gamepads above, you may find things easier. With the extra back buttons, you might not need to substitute movement when stratagem calling. On a keyboard, this is set as default and although you can assign these buttons to the arrow keys, that could mean taking your hand completely off the mouse in order to multitask. 

Each Helldiver will find their own ways of fighting galactic tyranny, but if you’re thinking of making the switch to a modern pro controller, these deals above could really help you out. 

Looking for PC-oriented tools for Helldivers 2? Check out the best gaming PC, the best gaming keyboard, and the best gaming mouse


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